
Important notice

This bot is still in its alpha stage, which we as the developers are adding tons upon tons of new features into the bot. Please be aware of the occational downtime, and you can send hatemails to here, or submit a contact form here 😊

Waterbot Documentations

This site moved from https://waterbot.gitbook.io/docs to here.

That site has been deprecated and the most updated documentations will be here instead.

Press F or S to search the docs.


I would prefer you to not host this bot yourself, as there are a lot of configurations to do. Nevertheless the guide will be at here.

Basic idea

This documentations contains information on how to use the commands, in a simple way.


Please do not type out [ ] { } < > out literally.

This documentations will use the following legends for displaying parameters


Parameters surrounded with square brackets ([ ]) are optional parameters (i.e. .command_name [optional parameter])

Parameters surronded with angle brackets (< >) are required parameters. (i.e. .command_name <required parameter>)

If you need to lookup a command, use the search function, or if you know the category, you can also go to that directory and select the command from the left sidebar.