
Again, I would prefer you to not host this bot yourself, as there are a lot of configurations to do. If you still want to proceed, follow the steps.


You need a working PC/Server/Laptop(Obviously) and a Python 3 interpreter.

Check your python version

You need to check if your python is in one of the supported python versions


Python 2 will NOT be supported.

If you do not have python installed, you can use a pre-packaged standalone application(Windows only) by going to

If you are on MacOS and you don't have Python installed, install one of the supported versions by downloading it from here

If you are on a Linux machine, I suggest you install pyenv as it is guaranteed to work.

If you already have pyenv, or you don't want to use pyenv, you can skip this step.

Installing Pyenv

To install pyenv, run the following command.

curl | bash # Downloads and run the pyenv setup script.

Then, depending on your configuration, the following warning might occur.

WARNING: seems you still have not added 'pyenv' to the load path.

# Load pyenv automatically by adding
# the following to ~/.bashrc:

export PATH="/home/test/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

Installing dependencies

You can install the dependencies by opening up a command prompt(Windows) or a Terminal(MacOS/Linux) and type

pip install -r requirements.txt

Supported Python versions

/ 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3
0.1.0 X X X X
0.0.5 X X X X X